慶應義塾大学アート・センター Keio University Art Center


07 DecComing up - Papier Plié 02: Correspondences between Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins — Margin and Blank
06 Dec「インクルーシヴ・プログラム「きょうの料理」でめぐる100年!ツアー」開催のお知らせ
05 Decラーニング・ワークショップ「放送博物館」で考えるーアナログ技術のこれまで・これから 開催のお知らせ
17 Jun【In Memoriam】Architect Fumihiko Maki
31 May【追悼】唐十郎さんを悼む
15 MayAnnouncement - Keio University Freshman Event 2024: Kasai Akira Post Butoh Performance
08 MarAnnouncement : A screening event for ‘Admiring La Argentina’(ラ・アルヘンチーナ頌)
08 MarThe video is now available on YouTube! - Exploring Avant-Garde Theatre Vol.1: Research Screening of Kazuo Ohno’s Butoh Performance, “Admiring La Argentina”
21 Jan「没後38年 土方巽を語ることXIII」動画公開!
20 Jan西脇順三郎生誕記念アムバルワリア祭XIII「西脇順三郎と「何でも諧謔」の世界──えっ、芭蕉も?ボードレールも?」 動画公開!
02 DecThe video is now available on YouTube! - Three-way panel discussion about SHIOKUBI
02 DecAnnouncement : A screening event for SHIOKUBI(塩首)
29 SepThe video of the 2nd Isao Tomita Symposium "Hatsune Miku 'Ihatov Symphony'" has been uploaded! 
28 Sep【追悼】ヨネヤマ・ママコさんを悼む
21 AprTake a look at our new uploaded video on Youtube ! - Keio University Freshman Event 2019 : Mitsuyo Uesugi Butoh Performance “Life” 
03 AprNow open! - Keio University Freshman Event 2023 : Mitsuyo Uesugi Butoh Performance “Life” 
03 Oct「槇文彦と慶應義塾 II:建築のあいだをデザインする」展:関連動画をYouTubeで公開しました
18 Aug【追悼】飯村隆彦氏のご逝去にあたり、土方アーカイヴの森下隆が哀悼の意を表します。
26 Jul1998年「土方巽アーカイヴ開設記念 上映とシンポジウム ー《四季のための二十七晩》をめぐって​​​​ー 土方巽と舞踏譜 私にとってのディスクール」アーカイヴ配信
25 Jul“A Story of Smallpox: Detached from the Life you were born with...” : Online Gallery Talk is now available!
19 JulExhibition Record Book “Tangite me : Reconsidering Conservation during the Pandemic” is now available in PDF format in English
19 Jul慶應義塾大学アート・センター シンポジウム「松本隆<言葉の教室>@三田」が開催されました!
04 JulAnnouncement of Closure: 1 - 7 Aug. 2022
29 Jun河口龍夫座談会「サンドイッチのなかみ」YouTube公開のお知らせ
21 Jun“A Story of Smallpox: Detached from the Life you were born with...”: Live Painting
10 JunHanne Darboven: Online Gallery Talk is now available!
09 Junシンポジウム 松本隆<言葉の教室>@三田 開催!
11 MayBehind the scenes: installing the exhibition “Hanne Darboven”
19 AprGallery Talk for Students: "Artist Voice II: Tosio Arimoto Journey to the Wellspring of his Songs"
12 AprExhibition Record Book “Tangite me : Reconsidering Conservation during the Pandemic” has been published.
04 Apr[Video] Gallery Talk by Yoko Arimoto: "Artist Voice II: Tosio Arimoto Journey to the Wellspring of his Songs"
30 MarNotice of Guidance for Special Lecture and Seminar on Art Archives
03 Mar“The 36th anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi's death / Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi” video archive is now available
07 FebHighlights of Butoh Notation System Nadare Ame (Avalanche Candy) has been just uploaded!
31 JanJunzaburo Nishiwaki, the 11th Ambarvalia symposium 'Poetry is waiting to be translated?!' Video archive is now available.
20 Dec“The 26th anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi's death / Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi” video archive is now available
20 DecList of Keio University Art Center events (1993-2021) is now available
14 DecAnnouncement of Winter Closure: 28 December - 5 January
20 OctAnnouncement: Public Open Days of Ex-Noguchi Room
06 OctVideo "What is Butoh-fu" now has English subtitles.
13 Sep【追悼】長谷川六氏のご逝去にあたり、土方アーカイヴの森下隆が哀悼の意を表します。
08 SepExtension of closure period
15 Aug【関連展示】連携展覧会「オブジェクト・リーディング: 精読八景」
26 JulA recording of the online event "Tatsuo Kawaguchi non-respiring — Gallery Talk: the Works Speak" is now available
05 JulAnnouncement of Closure: August - September
31 May"Artist Voice I: Tatsuo Kawaguchi non-respiring": Extended the period
30 AprWe Postpone the Symposium "Tatsuo Kawaguchi: Time Boomerang"
14 Aprアーカイヴ 資料目録PDFデータ公開!!
11 Mar【槇文彦と慶應義塾展】動画公開:建築風景no. 2 慶應義塾図書館新館
10 Marミュージアム・コモンズ及びアート・センター臨時職員の募集