Lecture & Discussion "Rediscovering Tokyo Bay: Maritime Culture of Edomae"
Since the Edo period, the inner bay of Tokyo has been called Edomae, and has fostered rich culture and resources. In this lecture, we invite researchers of Ukiyo-e and natural science, who are engaged in activities related to the sea of Edomae. Bridging insights from art and science, we learn about the sea and its culture in Minato city.
#History of Tokyo Bay
#How the artists in Edo period observed the sea
#Regional activities on the waterfront
#SDGs and ESD
Sunday 8 December 2019, 14:00-16:00
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Shinagawa Campus
Open to everyone. No reservation necessary, Max 100 seats.
Language: Japanese with language support in English
* The lecture will be held in Japanese. However, we will provide English language support (subtitles) for non-Japanese speakers.
Free of Charge
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center (Homma, Shino)
Conference[Cultural Narrative of a City]
Sunday 8 December 2019, 14:00-16:00
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Shinagawa Campus
Hakuyo Hall 1F Lecture Room
Open to everyone. No reservation necessary, Max 100 seats.
Language: Japanese with language support in English
* The lecture will be held in Japanese. However, we will provide English language support (subtitles) for non-Japanese speakers.
Free of Charge
Midori KAWABE (Professor, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology [TUMSAT]), Hiroshi KOHNO (Professor, TUMSAT), Masato NAITO (Professor, Keio University)
河野 博
東京海洋大学教授(海洋環境科学部門)。専門は魚類学。江戸前ESD協議会代表。地中海のマグロから東南アジアの仔稚魚研究を経て、現在は東京湾の魚類と環境保全、生物多様性などに関心を広げている。著作に、『東南アジア市場図鑑[魚貝篇]』(弘文堂、2001年)、『東京湾の魚類』(平凡社、2011年)、『科学がひらくスマート農業4 魚をそだてる海の牧場』(監修、大月書店、2019年)など。
東京海洋大学教授(海洋政策文化学部門)。専門は沿岸域管理。サステイナビリティの要素である社会的合意形成を軸に、地域共同体が主体となる沿岸域管理の可能性を、漁業関係者の方々とのアクション・リサーチや江戸前ESDなどをとおして、追究している。著作に、『海辺に学ぶ: 環境教育とソーシャル・ラーニング』(東京大学出版会、2017年)、『江戸前の環境学: 海を楽しむ・考える・学びあう12章』(河野博・川辺みどり編著、東京大学出版会、2012年)など。
- Creating a Learning Circle / the Sea of Edomae: TUMSAT's Action Research towards Sustainable Tokyo Bay
Midori KAWABE(Professor, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology [TUMSAT]) - Fishes of Edomae: Their Profiles and Fisheries
Hiroshi KOHNO (Professor, TUMSAT) - Illustrated Fish and Shellfish of Edo Period: Fish as Seafood on the Dining Table
Masato NAITO (Professor, Keio University/Director of Keio Univ. Art Center)
*The program could be changed without notice.
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center (Homma, Shino)
Organised by Keio University Art Center, Cultural Narrative of a City project and The Edomae ESD Program of TUMSAT.
Co-organised by Minato-city (FY2019 Minato Cooperation Project for Cultural Program).
Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in fiscal 2019.
What's on
- SHOW-CASE PROJECT Extra-1 Motohiro Tomii: The Presence of Objects and Matters
- Introduction to Art Archive XXVII: Correspondence-Poetry or Letters and Affects—Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins
- Correspondences and Hyōryūshi [Drifting-poetry]
- Ambarvalia XIV Junzaburo and the Fukuiku: A Fresh Look at Modernism and Its Impact
- The 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi
- Cityscape by Myōjō-in: A Temple as a Stationary Observer of a city
- Symposium "Garden and Contemporary Art: As for Capturing Events"
- KUAC Cinematheque 3: 状況劇場「唐版・犬狼都市」上映会—単独性と反復または記録について