ARTEFACT 02: Internship

Kayoko Ichikawa (Project Manager at Keio University Art Center)
Takayuki Ako (Curator at Informatics Systems Management, Curatorial Planning Dept. Tokyo National Museum)
Yusuke Kameyama (Curatorial assistant at Keio University Art Center)
Yohko Watanabe (Professor and curator at Keio University Art Center)
Takako Fujimoto (Researcher of Architectural Documents, Agency for Cultural Affairs NationalArchives of Modern Architecture)
Michiyo Kohri (Meiji Gakuin Historical Museum, Meiji Gakuin University)
Yuri Tomita and Miki Maruyama (Gakushuin University Museum of History)
Miki Maruyama (Gakushuin University Museum of History)
Shun Mizuno (Keio University Graduate School of Letters)
Takashi Horikawa (Professor at the Institute of Oriental Classics [Shido Bunko], Keio University)
Tomoya Matsumoto (Rhetorica)
Rhetorica (Tomoya Ohta, Tomoya Matsumoto, Masami Ishii, Ryo Nagara and Ryo Yoshiya)
ARTEFACT records the activities of the Cultural Narrative of a City project by edited transcriptions, reports and so on. Activity reports sometimes appear tedious to people who didn't participate in the activities. ARTEFACT is edited in a cultural magazine style, hoping that the readers of ARTEFACT learn and enjoy Cultural Narratives narrated in the project.
The second volume featured "Internship".
- PREFACE|「インターンシップの風景──余白領域に生み出されるもの」|本間友
- COLUMN|「カルチュラル・コミュニケーターになろう!」|市川佳世子
- COLUMN|「Cultural Value Chain Analysis──視野の拡大と共有」|阿児雄之
- WORKSHOP|「古川のほとり・龍源寺からのまなざし:寺院文化の現在」
- REPORT|「現代に残る増上寺山内寺院の景観」|亀山裕亮
- REPORT|「寺院が伝える都市文化の物語──妙定院の文化財」
- GUIDE TOUR|「慶應義塾三田キャンパス 建築プロムナード」
- LECTURE|「大学の建築フォーラム:アーカイヴとアウトリーチ」|渡部葉子・藤本貴子・桑折美智代・冨田ゆり・丸山美季
- REPORT|「ギャラリーから考える公共性──日本橋から竹橋へ/40年の対話」|水野俊
- LECTURE|「禅宗寺院の学問と文化」|堀川貴司
- COLUMN|「自撮りする幽歩者──青山のストリート・アーティスト、チョウ・アイについて」|Rhetorica
- COLUMN| Ghostwalk Blog - 1st entry: Dispatches from a ghostwalker |Rhetorica
- COLUMN|Is Hoshitōrō Mourning the City’s Empty Space, or “Terrain Vague”?|Tomoya Matsumoto (Rhetorica)
- COLUMN|hogehoge|Tomoya Matsumoto (Rhetorica)
- LECTURE|Scholarship and Culture of Zen Temples|Takashi Horikawa
- REPORT|The Possibility of Publicness from the Gallery–From Nihonbashi to Takeshiba / 40 Years of Dialogue|Shun Mizuno
- LECTURE|Forum for Architecture of Universities: Archive and Outreach|Yohko Watanabe, Takako Fujimoto, Michiyo Kohri , Yuri Tomita and Miki Maruyama
- REPORT|The Story of a City's Cultural Landscape Told by Its Temples: The Heritage of Myojoin
- REPORT|Touring the Surviving Temples around
- the Precincts of Zojoji |Yusuke Kameyama
- COLUMN|Cultural Value Chain Analysis: Expansion of Perspective and Its Sharing|Takayuki Ako
- COLUMN|Let’s Become a Cultural Communicator! |Kayoko Ichikawa
- PREFACE|Internship Landscape: What Is Produced in the Margin Area? |Yu Homma
Edited by the Cultural Narrative of a City project (Yu Homma, Kayoko Ichikawa and Fumi Matsuya)
Editorial Produced by Rhetorica (Tomoya Ohta, Tomoya Matsumoto, Masami Ishii and Ryo Yoshiya)
Art Directed and Designed by Tomoya Ohta (Rhetorica)
Designed by Ryo Nagara (Rhetorica)
Assisted by Ritsuko Shino, Norifumi Kunimoto, Shinsuke Niikura and Akiko Takano
Supported by FY2018 Minato Cooperation Project for Cultural Program
- ART ARCHIVES-Two: Toward the formation of Art Archives Platform
- HIJIKATA TATSUMI'S NOTATIONAL BUTOH: An Innovational Method for Butoh Creation
- 大学の建築プロジェクト 記録集[2011] 震災復興と学校建築
- Project Rebirth: Looking for Hijikata Tatusmi, dancing in Astrorama
- ART ARCHIVES: POLYHEDIA Its Present and Future
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材4 群馬交響楽団と東京シティ・フィルハーモニック管弦楽団(A)
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材3 富士ゼロックスコレクション
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材2 能登演劇堂
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材1 アルテピアッツァ美唄
- Hijikata Tatsumi "BUTOH" Materials
- 燔犠大踏鑑 四季のための二十七晩
- Performance Studies international Fluid States 2015 Tohoku, Japan: Select conference proceedings
- ARTEFACT 01: Cultural Narrative of a City / Zojo-ji Temple
- Focus: Architecture of Keio No.1 / The Comings and Goings of Keio University Shinanomachi Campus
- Focus: Architecture of Keio No.2 / Architecture of University: Campus Scape
- Focus: Architecture of Keio No.1 / The Comings and Goings of Keio University Shinanomachi Campus
- ARTEFACT 02: Internship
- ARTEFACT 03: Sea / Sign of the City
- ARTEFACT extra issue: Cultural research on urban cities and communities
- ARTEFACT Untitled