Booklet 27 Art and Archive: Genetic Engine
- Published: 2020-03-31
pp. 158, 280g
- Price: ¥750
Preface(Masato NAITO)
1 Revision of “History” in the Genetic Model of Research Archive:
Post-Historical and Post-Medium Situation in “Enoura Observatory” by Hiroshi Sugimoto(Fujio MAEDA)
2 Additional Notes on Study Forum of KUAC Titled Archive as a Genetic Engine.(Toshio YANAGIDA)
3 The Theatrical World Kara Juro and Archive(Yoshizumi HIGUCHI)
4 Archives for Creation and Remaking:
3D/VR Simulator and Digital Archives of Dumb Type’s “pH”
(Tomohisa SATO, Haruhiro ISHITANI, Taichi SUNAYAMA, Kaori MURAKAM(Ineco), Kazumichi KOMATSU, Saki KIRIZUKI)
5 A Patronage for the Sustainability Stabilization of the Archives(Michiko YAMAKAWA)
6 Archive and Thought― Montage of Christopher Nolan’s Following(Hitoshi KUBO)
7 The Dissemination and Deepening of Oral History― Mixing Archival Perspectives (Takashi MIKURIYA)
8 Art Archive Further Readings(Keio University Art Center)
9 Abstracts(English)
- Booklet 01 コラボレーション——芸術の可能性
- Booklet 02 サウンドスケープ——アート情報の世界をひらく
- Booklet 03 アート・マネジメント
- Booklet 04 脱芸術/脱資本主義——半プロダクション礼賛
- Booklet 05 ヨーゼフ・ボイス——ハイパーテクストとしての芸術
- Booklet 06 ジェネティック・アーカイヴ・エンジン——デジタルの森で踊る土方巽
- Booklet 07 アート・アーカイヴズ/ドキュメンテーション——アート資料の宇宙
- Booklet 08 黒沢清・誘惑するシネマ
- Booklet 09 Sophie Calle: La marche, l' art- Conférence à l' Université Keio
- Booklet 10 Expressionist Dance Then and Now
- Booklet 11 Projects of Art
- Booklet 12 Locations of Art(The 10th Anniversary Issue)
- Booklet 13 Architectural Space as Memory: Isamu NOGUCHI, Yoshiro TANIGUCHI, and Keio University
- Booklet 14 To and From Shuzo Takiguchi
- Booklet 15 Publicness in Art: How to reorganize museums and cultural facilities in Japan?
- Booklet 16 Workshop Now: Transformation of Modernity
- Booklet 17 FUKUZAWA Yukichi and ModernArt
- Booklet 18 Cultural Tourism: Revisiting Tourism
- Booklet 18 The Optical The Haptical
- Booklet 20
- Booklet 21 光源体としての西脇順三郎
- Booklet 22 Cosmos:Reflections and Environment
- Booklet 22 Cosmos:Reflections and Environment
- Booklet 24 Art and Critisism
- Booklet 25 The Expanding Shakespearean Universe
- Booklet 26 mandala musica
- Booklet 27 Art and Archive: Genetic Engine
- Booklet 28 Royal Bodies ーBetween Symbol and Reality
- Booklet 29 Morph / Antimorph ーImage Consideration on Place
- Booklet 30 40th Anniversary of the Death of Junzaburo Nishiwaki : Infinite Past, Infinite Future
- Booklet 31 Aspects of Fumihiko Maki: Connecting Architecture with People
What's on
- SHOW-CASE PROJECT Extra-1 Motohiro Tomii: The Presence of Objects and Matters
- Introduction to Art Archive XXVII: Correspondence-Poetry or Letters and Affects—Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins
- Correspondences and Hyōryūshi [Drifting-poetry]
- ラーニング・ワークショップ「放送博物館」で考えるーアナログ技術のこれまで・これから
- Ambarvalia XIV Junzaburo and the Fukuiku: A Fresh Look at Modernism and Its Impact
- The 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi
- Cityscape by Myōjō-in: A Temple as a Stationary Observer of a city